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3rd Paper​

Hereis my third paper. This paper is about the importance of good grammar in a professional environment.


Communicating as a Professional -- Link

1st Paper

This page is dedicated to publishing  English works, that I have written. 

Here is my first paper.  It is a study on the Victim vs Creator mindset and the effect each mindset has on success.


Creator Vs Victim- Link


2nd Paper​

Hope this has been an enjoyable tour of my works!

Please feel free to contact me at the  bottom of the page.

Here is my second paper.  It is about the truth behind multitasking and the time that is wasted switching between many tasks throughtout the day.


Multitasking and Time Managment - Link

. . . . And away we go!
Anchor 1

4th Paper

Here is my fourth paper.  This paper is about personality tendancies and how understanding the tendancies of others will create better interactions.


Hartman Personality Profile--Link

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